首頁 特色課程 全英夏日課程

本院全英夏日課程「環境永續敘事力」(Storytelling for Environmental Sustainability)由任職於世界百大學校的學者Kate McDowell副教授(School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, US)與院內宋慧筠老師、廖卓豪老師合授,透過課程講授、分組討論、專題海報成果展等方式,培養修課學生敘事力的知識與技能。


Session 1 Storytelling basics, ethics, and narrative structures
Session 2 Data storytelling obstacles and persuasive arguments
Session 3 Storytelling and S-DIKW (storytelling-data, information, knowledge, wisdom) analysis
Session 4 Poster preparation - group discussion
Session 5 Storytelling, environmental sustainability, and social justice
Session 6 Poster presentations